7 Best Home Microbiome Testing Kits Available

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To know what microbiome testing is, we first need to know what exactly a ‘Microbiome’ is. It is a microbial community of microorganisms and their theatre of activities. This microbial community is often found within the body or other environment. It is basically a combination of not only microbiota but also their theatre of activity. The human body consists of trillions of microbiota or microorganisms which includes parasites, bacteria, fungi and viruses. The microbiome regulates and ensures the smooth operations taking place inside the human body. Each individual has a network of microbiome that is usually developed or emerges by an individual’s DNA. Studies have proven that the process by which an individual is delivered during birth (vaginal or C-section) affects the microbiomes present inside the body. An individual’s network of microbiome can either be beneficial or harmful according to the exposure to the environment and the diet plan. Our gastrointestinal microbiome helps in extracting vitamins from the diet or food items we consume and also assists in producing serotonin which plays a major role in stabilizing our mood, feelings of well- being and happiness In order to detect the presence and structure of one’s network of microbiome a process called microbiome testing is done. This test helps in identifying the community of microbiome located in the gastrointestinal tract specifically. 

Who Should Get The Microbiome Test Done?

1. This test is beneficial for the individuals who wish to have an insight about their microbial composition and their theatre of activities.

2. This test can be done by the people you have a medical history like diabetes, high or low blood pressure etc., and are concerned about dealing with them.

3. Basically, this test can be initiated by people suffering from diseases in order to detect the working of their microbiome and alter their diet plans accordingly and take a precaution before the disease gets too serious.

What A Microbiome Test Can Tell You?

1. The microbiome testing helps one to attain a lot of useful information about how rich the microbiome is and also the diversity of microorganisms it consists of. 

2. This testing also allows an individual to compare his/her gastrointestinal microbiome with that of others.  

3. This test also helps to know exactly what sort of functions are being performed by the Microbiomes. Whether they are being beneficial or causing a risk of being susceptible to a health disease leading to a varieties of symptoms that might include faster aging, gas and bloating, constipation, a reduction in the cognitive function of the body, poor absorption of nutrients, etc. 

4. Performing the microbiome testing also indicates towards every aspect of the health of a person and how his/her aging process is taking place.

5. Through the microbiome test we can also improve or bring about changes in our diet in order to experience better health.

6. This testing provides an insight of how much capability our microbiomes inherit in breaking down the nutrients like fats, proteins, fiber etc.

7. By performing the microbiome test we can discover whether our microbiomes are capable of producing substances which may help us to fight against various diseases.

8. This test helps in identifying the community of microbiome located in the gastrointestinal tract specifically. 

Although the microbiome tests are in high demand, one always need to be careful before trusting and depending on the data of any random association as it may lead to misinterpretations .It may also result in giving the expected result to the patients in order to gain profits. Thus, the public should be aware while drawing the conclusions from the reports of microbiome tests.

Best Home Microbiome Testing Kits Available

1. Gut Intelligence Test™

Gut Intelligence Test™

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  • This test can be done at home and displays the results within 3-4 weeks although processing time may vary.
  • It activates the nutritional recommendations to help enhancing energy production of the cells.

2. Thryve’s Gut Health Test

Thryve's Gut Health Test

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  • This test comes up with digital health report
  • This test also recommends customized probiotics and personalized food plan.

3. Biomesight Gut Microbiome Test

Biomesight Gut Microbiome Test

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  • Biomesight analyzes the gut microbe and provide recommendations based on natural intervention.
  • It is the only analysis platform with support for FASTQ uploads from multiple labs.

4. Leaky Gut Complete

Leaky Gut Complete

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  • With the leaky gut complete test, one can receive an extensive examination of intestine based on the stool samples.

5. Wellnicity Full Gut Test

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  • This test can access the presence of bad bacteria yeast and other key GI health marker.

6. Ixcela


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  • It is a one finger prick test kit.
  • It provides 90 days personalized macronutrient and fitness plans.
  • Provides  actionable health scores and results.

7.  BIOHM Gut Test Kit

BIOHM Gut Test

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  • This test is the most comprehensive sequencing available to the consumers.
  • The final report is reviewed by a microbiome-trained registered nutritionist who will provide wellness recommendations to balance the overall digestive health.

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