The Top 10 Superfoods for Glowing Skin

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What are Superfoods?

There is no clear description of what constitutes a “superfood,” but superfoods are labeled powerhouses of nutrients that contain large amounts of antioxidants, phytochemicals (compounds in plants that are accountable for flavors and scent), vitamins , and minerals. Most of the superfoods are plant related, however some fish and dairy make the squad as well. Examples of common superfoods include, to list a few, salmon, kale, açaí berries, kefir and almonds. Although there is no clear definition of superfoods, any nutrient-dense foods are usually put in this group.

Why should one include them in there diets?

The higher concentration of vitamins and minerals found in superfoods will help fight off diseases and keep you healthy. Such foods can encourage cardiovascular health, loss of weight, boost metabolism and even decrease the impacts of aging when integrated into a well-balanced diet.

Antioxidants present in several superfoods can help prevent cancer, whereas good fats can reduce the risk of developing heart disease. Fiber, which also is present in many superfoods, can help to prevent diabetes and digestive disorders whereas phytochemicals have other health benefits like lowering your risk of developing heart disease. Superfoods are also documented to avoid toxins in your liver, help lower cholesterol, reduce cholestrol and and regukate metabolism.

Affects of Superfoods on the skin

The epidermis, the largest and most visible component of the human body, is the outward reflection of all that occurs within the body. In order to maintain this exterior organ clean and sparkling, people typically adopt the custom of adding moisturizers and other skincare products. Nevertheless, others seem to skip the fact that, aside from direct treatment and maintenance, the secret to maintaining this essential organ alive lies in balanced eating habits. However, in this age of Google, with overwhelmed details about what to eat and what not to eat, finding the right diet plan for good and flawless skin may be frustrating.

While the most important step towards achieving targets is to recognize that people have very different skin types; fortunately, there are few general steps to think about when it comes to selecting the right food for any skin type. Read on as we strip down the top foods to make your skin transparent, smooth, supple, radiant and offer you the ins and outs on just why we picked them up.

1. Certified Organic Tomato Paste

Studies conducted by the Ohio State University shows that Tomato contains lycopene that gives protection from sun exposure and helps prevent symptoms of aging. Although Lycopene, an antioxidant carotenoid, may be extracted from a variety of other fruits such as watermelon, guava, grapefruit, etc., tomato paste produced from organic tomatoes is the most effective way to receive a safe skin nutrient. This paste will produce ten times more lycopene than ripe red tomatoes and is commonly known as the best food source for this strong antioxidant.

2. Chia seeds

A top-notch milkshake ingredient, spraying these little guys in your breakfast means you ‘re averaging omega 3 fatty acids’ richest sources. Omega-3s help develop blocks for healthy skin cellular metabolism and new collagen synthesis to keep the skin foundation strong and free from wrinkles. Joshua Zeichner who is the director of clinical research and cosmetic, at Mount Sinai Hospital, tells us.

3. Walnuts

Walnuts have several specific characteristics that make them an outstanding food for skin health. They are a great source of essential fatty acids, which are fats that your body can not produce of itself. In addition, they are richer than most other nuts in both omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids . A diet that is a little too high in omega-6 fats could cause inflammation, such as inflammatory conditions of your skin, like psoriasis. Omega-3 fats, on one hand, decrease inflammation in your body—including in your skin . Although omega-6 fatty acids are present commonly in the standard diet, sources of omega-3 fatty acids are uncommon. 

Since walnuts contain a good proportion of these fatty acids, they may help combat the possible inflammatory response to extra omega-6. What’s more, walnuts contain other nutrition that your skin needs to function properly and remain healthy. One ounce (28 grams) of walnuts produces 8 per cent of zinc DV. Zinc is important for proper functioning of the skin as a membrane. This is therefore essential to repair wounds and to fight both bacteria and inflammation. Walnuts also have small quantities of vitamin E and selenium antioxidants, in combination to 4–5 g of protein per ounce (28 grams)

4. Green Tea

It is amongst most popular form of nutritious beverages in the world, and is recognized for its qualities that protect against sun exposure and skin cancer. Its potent antioxidants also delay the onset of noticeable aging by suppressing the enzymes responsible for age-related deterioration of the skin’s structure. It is worth noting, however, that powdered green tea, popularly known as Matcha, is considered most beneficial due to its higher density of vitamins and antioxidants. An article published in the August issue of the Archives of Dermatology says so.

5. Oatmeal

A study published in the National library of Medicine says that replacing a sugary cereal for a bowl of oats in the a.m. and your skin is going to reward you. This food is ranked low on the glycemic index, a metric that calculates foods containing carbohydrates by how much each meal raises blood sugar (high-glycemic foods induce sudden, drastic spike and eventual fall, whereas low-glycemic alternatives have a gradual, steady rise and decrease). Foods with a low glycemic index [are good] because starchy [high glycemic] food items increase sugar levels, cause inflammation, and have been shown to be linked with acne says Zeichner.

6. Peppers (Sweet Bells)

Colorful bell peppers typically seen with vegetable suppliers are not only brightly colored and sweet, but are also the most abundant source of vitamin C in the plant world. In addition, only one ounce of raw fresh yellow bell pepper contains more than 50 mg (85 percent DV) of all natural vitamin C. Likewise, red and green sweet bell pepper contains approximately 35.8 and 22.5 mg, respectively. To give you a good comparison, orange is known to be rich in Vitamin C and even that has only 12.6mg of it per ounce.

7. Cinnamon

Your skin always looks amazing in the fall season, so it’s not the gentle glow of your Christmas lights, but rather it’s all the cinnamon in the treats of the season. The important spice is excellent for promoting digestion and blood supply, which Simpson claims adds oxygen and nutrients straight to the skin. In addition , some studies also show that cinnamon can help stabilize and balance blood glucose levels, which is important, she says. When a diet high in sugar and refined carbs it can enhance oil production. She recommends applying a bit of spice to your coffee or tea to start the day off correctly, or mixing it into a morning smoothie.

8. Sardines

Can not just rule out the fish in a can. Sardines are an rich source of vitamin B12 and selenium. How is that important? B12 plays a vital role in the replication of skin cells, and when you lack vitamins, it also creates hot, patchy skin. Selenium is required if you want your body to create an antioxidant called glutathione, which improves the skin’s barrier work. According to a study in the US National Library of Medicine sardines are packed with phosphorus, protein, vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids, all of which can help in hydrating your skin and keeping it glowing, according to Simpson. 

9. Sweet Potatoes

There’s no need to go carb-free because you’re looking for flawless skin. Zeichner says that sweet potatoes are a good choice because of their high amounts of vitamin A. “Vitamin A compounds have been shown to help reduce oil production in the skin and can be used to treat acne,” he says. Carrots are another good vitamin A choice, but they caution against consuming supplementation. “Overdosing can lead to side effects that are detrimental to your health,” he says. Some work has shown that such side effects may include blurred vision, bone pain, and dizziness.

10. Egg Whites

One more excuse not to miss breakfast: “In addition to providing the body, a dose of nutritious protein that it requires, egg whites are rich in both lysine and proline (amino acids) and also collagen itself. And incorporating egg whites to the diet will help promote the body’s normal development of collagen to help combat fine lines,” says Simpson (co-founder of ZSS). Vegans and vegetarians should also try nuts — peanuts, in particular — because they contain a high dose of lysine.

These are a few superfoods that can help you maintain the good looking skin that you always crave. One must, however, make provision for the fact that merely eating such items does not yield the best outcomes. Proper diet, eating habits, heavy smoking and drinking issues can have a major effect on the skin.

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